Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Successfully Skivving Ep 3

So as I sit here eating my bua la ku (you just need to know it's a local fruit), I think back to how I managed to skive successfully yet again for the 2nd day running...if this continues, looks like I will have to fake a sickie...I mean, why the hell would I wanna come into the office just to do nothing? I can do that at home!!!

And I have found out that there is a limit to how much surfing one can do. After surfing for info on Wikipedia (it may not be accurate but do I care?!) and finding out the english names for weird chinese medicinal herbs and playing the Will & Grace game to see who I am most like (Grace...sigh..my fag hag days have come to haunt me) I was left with nothing to do. And there is only so much twiddling of thumbs before they cramp up on you.

Ok, will go find something/ someone to bug...Am definitely calling in sick tomorrow.


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