Monday, October 16, 2006

Try...won't die

Ah yes, the wonderful world of blogging...never did interest me a bit...but, my friend wonderboy extraordinaire said that I should blog cuz I would be a fantastic fact, i would be world renowned...ok, so I may be exaggerating a tad...

I actually have had this blog space in May 06 and the only reason I did was so I could comment on my cousin's blog! I hate these kind of tie ups! It's a bloody waste of good internet space! But me having to have my say, I signed up so I could give my cousin more than a couple of my thoughts. And of course I had to do an obligatory entry...which now reading back is one pathetic juvenile spew that I will take out immediately after this entry.

So, why dont I want to blog? Please, isn't spewing my personals for all and sundry to see excuse enough to stay away? Besides, I write for a living. Why the fuck would I wanna work after work?

But the narcissist is calling out...and after having blogger envy with wonderboy's website, I have to say I wanna start my own...yes, the wagon has pulled away yonks ago and any attempt to jump on it will just have me lying flat on my face knee deep in shit...but indulge me.

Besides, the ones who are reading this are friends and the occassional family member who will be sworn to secrecy. In fact, am not sure if family is allowed in here...may have too many personals!

Alright. Done. I am no longer a blogging virgin. Pop the champagne!


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